As it’s now the end of 2008 I thought I’d just like to reflect briefly and thank everyone who has been on this journey with me.

Thanks Nikki J
I had only just launched the podcast at the start of the year. Since then I’ve posted 30 Your Story Episodes and 18 Addendum Episodes. Along with many blog posts about the things that interest me. I’m reasonably happy with that 🙂
Initially I was still struggling a great deal with the technology but I had a few goals of what I wanted to achieve and I had a strategy in order to achieve them.
They were to finance the equipment that I needed to be able to travel and post episodes. Then I wanted to test the methodology with a trip to Melbourne in preparation for the eventually trip to Europe. And what a wonderful experience that was. I meet, recorded and spent time with wonderful people in Berlin, Prague, Vannes, Paris and London. That experience is here on this site if you want to explore it along with links to my flickr account.
The surprise is, I’m amazed at the depth of friendship that I have achieved through the social networking aspect of the Internet particularly twitter which enabled me to connect with so many interesting people through #TUBS here in Australia but also to connect with people interstate and internationally, some of whom I have meet personally during my travels. Also as I spend time talking internationally I’ve noticed and I commented just the other day how I’m now starting to think in international timezones and can happily say good morning in my evening. Rather bazaar. Is this what a global citizen is?
As for next year I have a few ideas to change my income earning to include these new technologies and another trip overseas but more on that as it evolves.
To those of you who care, thanks for being here for me, it’s not always easy to work in the vacuum of producing a podcast but the occasional comment does more than you can imagine to motivate me.
And to the people I’ve meet, some of whom I’ve recorded, thanks for you involvement, it’s been a great ride so far, I’m interested to know where it’s gong.
Here Comes 2009… Stay tuned…
I was just kicking back and thinking about the very same thing. Drifting in my mind to how it all begins…
i love your work!