As I’ve mentioned, in the beginning in why I’m doing this I wanted to shake up my life. I had been searching for 25 years for something that impassioned me. Then I discovered and decided to start producing my own podcast. My intention was to dive in and see where it goes with little regard for the financial side of it. I see all of this initially as education. However in this world, finance is necessary and although I don’t actively ask for money I’ve had a couple of unsolicited donations.
A few months back I received a donation from the very wonderful and generous Adam Daniel Mezei who you may remember for Episode 25 of Your Story. I recorded that episode while I was in Prague last year, where Adam had generously invited me to visit, then proceeded to look after me for 3 days showing me the sites of the Golden City as only a local can.
At the time of his donation I was considering purchasing two mono lapel microphones from Giant Squid Audio Labs. That donation went a long way towards the lapel mics and power supplies. I have since purchased an additional stereo lapel mic, also from Giant Squid.
I want to put in a plug for Giant Squid Audio Labs as a small but remarkable operation that builds beautiful microphones at a price that is well below what you would expect to pay for the quality. I initially found out about them listening to Mark Jensen’s, New Media Gear podcast where he raved about them. Mark is the man when it comes to having this knowledge rather than me and his recommendation was correct.
I’ve also received another donation from someone who wishes to remain anonymous who appreciates what I’m doing and sent me enough to purchase a shotgun mic for my video camera. I was discussing with him how I was thinking of getting one and then a couple of days later there was an email saying that a donation was in my PayPal account.
I just want to say thanks to both of you for your assistance. I’ve heard many podcasters say and I agree, that it sometimes feels lonely producing episodes and we get little feed back (it’s all about percentages) but when things like this happen it heartens and encourages me more than any one can appreciate.
Thank you Adam and ???? for you financal help and thank you to everyone out there for the feed back, downloading and sharing the episodes.
Note: Yesterday a total of 10,000 downloads of the podcasts have been served. Everday back episodes are downloaded and new people come along. Welcome and thanks to everyone, particually the folk I chat with. 🙂
Can’t agree with you more: encouragement is GREAT! Makes you feel like you can move mountains. Adam is a dude, indeed. And well done Mr/Ms “??????”! as well.
Keep rolling Ian! We’re here listening, downloading + sharing 😀
Hi Ian,
A very well written post that hits home with probably more people than you think.
After 5 years of producing Podcasts, I’m as passionate about it today as I was then. However, ‘working from home’ can leave a person feeling a bit isolated at times. I NEVER thought I’d actually miss the morning and afternoon commute to ‘work’ – but I do!
It’s at those times when the small thank-you emails, comments and encouragement from listeners around the world go a long way.
Keep up the great work!
Mark Jensen